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kind of beautiful

The 5 Lifestyle Changes You Have to Make This Summer


We’ve compiled a few essential additions to your  to-do list, from decluttering your space and embracing the great outdoors, to revamping your beauty routine and seamlessly transitioning your wardrobe for the new season. Take a look…

Skincare & Makeup

Transitioning from colder, drier weather to warmer temperatures, often requires adjusting your skincare routine. Consider switching to lighter moisturizers, incorporating more SPF protection, and exfoliating to slough off any winter dryness. YSE has everything you need for this transition.

Update your makeup routine with lighter, fresher colors. Consider switching to tinted moisturizers or BB creams for a more natural look, which is super in right now. Learn more about the natural makeup look here.

We also did a whole breakdown of top makeup trends and the products you’ll need to achieve these looks.


Treat your hair to some TLC after the harsh winter weather. Consider getting a trim to remove split ends and freshen up your look. You might also want to switch to lighter hair products. Try putting the heat tools away and embracing your natural locks. Now’s a great time to incorporate clarifying shampoo into your routine once a week to get all the build up out. Hair masks are also great to nourish and moisturize. A light pump of hair serum in the ends of your hair (not the roots) is great to fight the frizz that comes with heat and humidity. Here are a few hair products we love in the summer

Wardrobe Transition

It’s always a great time to refresh your wardrobe. Pack away heavy winter clothing and bring out lighter, brighter pieces like dresses, lightweight blouses, and pastel colors. Don’t forget to add some versatile layers for those unpredictable weather days. We’ve been staying ahead of the game and have some closet organization tips for when you get around to doing this. Here are some pieces we’re loving.

Refresh Your Space

A clutter-free environment can do wonders for your mental well-being. Dedicate some time to decluttering and organizing your living spaces. Open windows to let in fresh air, and add some nice touches like flowers or bright throw pillows to liven up your home. 


Embrace the Great Outdoors  

With the arrival of warmer weather, take advantage of outdoor activities like hiking, biking, or simply going for a walk. Here are some matching sets we love to wear that actually motivate us to get some movement in. Engage in activities that make you feel good and prioritize self-care practices such as yoga, meditation, or simply spending time in nature. Incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, so take this as an opportunity to visit your local farmers’ markets for seasonal produce. And remember to stay hydrated!!! Try to get into building healthy habits that you can live by long-term. 

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