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kind of beautiful


5 Ways To Make Your Home The Most Functional

By Anita Yokota

This year, we spent more time in our houses than ever before. In the process of eating, sleeping, working, and playing inside, many of us discovered some critical upgrades were required in order to do it all. Creating a fully-functional space starts with asking yourself what you need, so you can implement practical, tailor-made solutions.

But when you don’t know where to start? I’ve got some tips for you to re-group the ground up.


Contain the Chaos

Avoiding mess is mostly about having places to actually put the things you need. Baskets and trays allow us to contain daily-use items that would otherwise start to line the baseboards and counter space. Put all those ugly utilities into pretty storage, and voila! The space feels transformed without losing functionality, and things are much easier to find!

I like these Nesting Baskets for a bathroom because they’re squishable and stackable. The smallest size is perfect for storing moisturizer on the countertop, while the largest houses extra TP rolls by the toilet. Plus, I can stack and store them all easily when I need the room cleared. This happy Rattan tray is ideal for the kitchen, and I keep all my meal prep necessities stored here. It’s light enough to easily move from the pantry shelf to the countertop where I’m cooking. Meanwhile, my most beautiful tray is reserved for the living room, where it’ll keep all those remotes from getting lost in the couch.


Utilize Vertical Space

One of the easiest ways to keep your life clutter-free is to start hanging things that would normally sit around. Ladders offer accessible use of a narrow space whether you prefer the sleek lines of a Decorative Ladder, or a more natural feel, a la this Rustic Storage Ladder. For a stylish entry, this mirror with hooks keeps objects organized whether you’re coming or going. But wall hooks aren’t just for entryways, so get creative! I think this little hanging mirror works nicely as a catchall between bedrooms where kids can hang anything from swim medals to a favorite sweater. In our home, the girls have to turn in their devices by 10 pm to earn them for the next day, and I love this built-in tray for an iPhone drop-zone.


Add Surface Area

Creating multi-purpose surface space is a strategic opportunity to solve problems while rounding out the room design. In fact, this little drink table might be the finishing touch you didn’t know you needed! Tiny tables lend a hand to hold a coffee cup so you can settle in while giving the space more breathing room than a traditional end table. Likewise, use a sitting bench at the foot of your bed for additional sitting or storage space. There are so many styles! Bonus: add baskets underneath for additional storage, elevating the bedroom into a more workable space with fewer piles on the floor. You can thank me later.


Mobile Storage

Wheels make everything 100x easier! Store laundry or other soft goods in hide-away rolling bins. These tuck easily in closets or under shelves, then wheel right out for full access. They’re just right for those too-big-for-a-drawer items that don’t require precious shelf real estate. (Paper towels, anyone?) These Rolling Baskets are a perfect, pretty utility tool. I especially love them for kid’s toys!


Prioritize Wellness

Having a functional home isn’t just about adding more levels or hiding what already exists. It’s also about making space for holistic nourishment, keeping us healthy and happy! By incorporating some practical tools into the home, we are able to create an environment that fully supports our wellbeing, starting with the air we breathe and the light we soak in.

Fresh air and sunlight go hand-in-hand to keep us in good spirits. An Essential Oil Diffuser uses scent to set the mood for anything from productivity to relaxation. Some even double as Air Purifiers! I recommend the Glow Light to wake up slowly with a simulation sunrise, or the Daybright Lamp to work in luminous daylight, proven to reduce anxiety and increase energy.



Growing up in a household of an architect and a real estate broker, Anita Yokota naturally fell into design. Her background as a marriage & family therapist and real estate professional informs all of her interior design projects. Anita Yokota designs emphasize wellness from the inside out, creating thoughtful spaces that empower her clients to live their best lives. Yokota incorporates California Casual accents and a blend of high-low design solutions for a relaxed update on a timeless style.

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