Be your own
kind of beautiful

More Than Makeup At BeautyCon Dallas

This past Saturday, I had the opportunity to moderate a panel at BeautyCon in Dallas. For everyone who is unfamiliar with the festival, BeautyCon is a community and conference that celebrates and redefines beauty. With yearly meet ups in various cities such as LA, New York, Dallas, and London, thousands of people gather to hear from popular beauty and fashion content creators and hunt for the latest and greatest trends.

Though it only started five years ago, I definitely heard the buzz—and I knew I wanted to be a part of it. Trust me, I love beauty products as much as the next girl but BeautyCon is so much more than that. It’s about coming together and celebrating confidence and self-love.


“More Than Makeup”, the panel I moderated, was all about self-love. I’m a huge believer that beauty is caring for your self from the inside out. From practicing gratitude and radiating self-love and positivity toward yourself and others, if you feel beautiful on the inside it shows from the outside.

The young women I had the opportunity to speak with had such a great message to share. Bunny Meyer (aka Grav3yard Girl), Missy Lynn, Loey Lane, Tiarra Monet, and Leigh Ann Says are all YouTube content creators in the beauty realm who put together have over a billion followers. Many of their fans are young girls and I have to say, they are great role models. Their messages of self-love and confidence go way beyond the makeup tutorials they share online.


In the panel, many questions were brought up about how these young women handle criticism and how they see beauty from the inside out. Many of them have struggled with insecurities (as we all have) and use their platforms to educate their younger viewers on how to fight negative feelings and since the age of Internet—cyber bullying.

Even though I’m years older than them, I felt inspired! Being in the industry for a long time, I have also struggled with insecurities that have plagued me. I am making it a huge priority to teach Scarlett these very lessons. For mothers of girls, I think it’s an important to have especially starting in early adolescence.


If you have young daughters (or even if you don’t) take some time to look up these adorable, hilarious, and talented young women. I guarantee you’ll even learn a couple beauty tricks or two!

Bunny Meyer (aka Grav3yard Girl) // Missy Lynn // Loey Lane // Tiarra Monet // Leigh Ann Says

Also—a HUGE shout out to my wonderful glam squad in Dallas, Missy Croquart and Laura Catron!

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