Be your own
kind of beautiful

Tips To Declutter Your Life | Playroom Edition

Okay, so this is a HUGE (and exciting!) month for me. I’ll be starting my contributing gig on The View,Brooksie starts preschool, and I’m moving into my new house in Los Angeles! Busy, busy, busy but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Before my big move, my friend Mimi introduced me to a book that gave me some serious inspiration to de-clutter and organize. I highly suggest everyone read The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. The title literally says it all. A move signifies a fresh start and I wanted to transition as simply as I could by getting rid of all the excess!

So, when it comes to tackling this major de-cluttering project I decided to start with the little one’s toys. Honestly, I don’t even remember the last time I’ve gone through these toys or if it’s ever been done. Thankfully, my dear friend Mimi was here to help and she is the master mover/organizer. No seriously, she’s helped move me into most places I’ve lived. God bless her!

After a full day of editing and recycling, we came up with some tips to help you de-clutter your playroom … and keep it that way!

A Few Sentiments:

Pick a few of your childhood toys (if you have been hanging on to them for sentimental reasons) and use as styling props in bookshelves in your child’s room or playroom.  But pick your favorites – there is no need (or room) to hang on to them all.  One or two special ones serve the purpose – move on from there.

Categorize And Organize:

Categorize like items in plastic bins, Ziploc bags, or decorative baskets/bins – all the transformers can live together and all the dinosaurs can have their own house.

Ditch The Duplicates:

You don’t need two of anything – books, toys, etc. – avoid having duplicates of any item.

Bath Time Storage:

Keep bath toys in a suctioned basket on the side of the tub or underneath your sink if you share a bathroom with your child.  Same mentality applies here – avoid two of anything and don’t be afraid to edit down your child’s stash!


Be Brave:

Don’t be afraid to lose a Tonka truck or two. I find it’s hardest to go through stuffed animals, as they all seem to look at you and say, “Keep me please!” Chances are your little one won’t even notice and someone else will. Recycle to friends who have children the same age or make a donation to your local charity or church Just remember they are going to a new happy home even if they aren’t staying in yours. My favorite charity to give old toys to is Baby2Baby, which helps mothers and children in need. They accept any new or gently used item such as clothing, toys, bedding, car seats, and books.

Keep An Art Box:

Coloring books, puzzles, art supplies, books – categorize these and keep like items together.  Baskets or bins for like items here.

Stage Or Store The Large Toys:

Pick one or two large toys to sit out and toss the rest in an oversized basket for easy storage. Your child can still access them and you can keep them corralled and looking as neat as possible.

Edit Before Holidays:

Remember that with each new birthday or holiday (Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter, etc.) you will likely acquire new items so it is good to go through toys after each holiday to make room for new items.  The more you recycle the less overwhelming it is to go through things at another time.


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