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kind of beautiful

You Are What You Eat … So What Are We Really Eating?


Since Brooksie came into my life, I’ve made it a priority to be more educated on our environment and how to make improvements. One organization that I’ve become very involved with is Healthy Child Healthy World. Their mission is to inform people, especially parents, about choices we can make every day to improve the world we live in, and make it safer for our children. The book, “Healthy Child Healthy World, Creating A Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home,” by Christopher Gavigan has taught me so, so, so much on the topic, and I’d love to share some of it with you.

One of the first steps you can take to ensuring a healthier life for your child is being knowledgeable about what they eat, and what might not be as good for them as you assume. One great rule is…if you can barely pronounce some of the first listed ingredients, and you know your child definitely can’t pronounce them, it’s probably not meant to be put in their body.

It’s also important to know that if a product says it’s “natural,” that’s not enough. Unless it says “all-natural,” it most likely isn’t a completely natural product. Another label that often tricks us is “low-fat.” Not only is it important to make sure the product hasn’t been overcompensated with sugars and carbs to make up for the fact that it’s low fat, but it’s essential to know that in many products it only remains low-fat if you eat 1 serving size, which traditionally in our culture we tend to not do. One topic that has skyrocketed in popularity over the past few years is the idea of going organic. Not only is it important to be organic, but it’s more important to understand why you should make those choices for your family. If something is truly organic it means it has no synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. Studies have shown that farmers who work with pesticides have higher rates of asthma, leukemia and prostate cancer. It’s shocking, but true.


Finally, I really enjoyed learning about what snacks are safe for children. Here are some healthy ideas: yogurt with granola or fruit, nuts, whole grain pita with hummus, hard boiled eggs, peanut butter, turkey slices, and smoothies. Personally, my little Brooksie has been on an avocado kick recently. The reason these are smarter choices is because they contain natural fats, vs. trans fats that are often found in things like microwave popcorn, chips, doughnuts etc.

There is such a vast amount of information out there on how to create a healthier world for our children and ourselves. Robyn O’Brien is a human encyclopedia of food knowledge, and you should absolutely check out her speeches for more information, as well as her book, The Unhealthy Truth. She is AH-mazing. I hope some of these tips have helped. If you get a chance, check out the documentary GMO OMG by Jeremy Seifert. Some of the information in it may really change your perspective on things. I’ve learned so much in such a short time, and I’m excited to implement some of this advice into my and Brooksie’s life. I know all this information can feel like a lot, so to sum it up, here are my top 5 tips you should know about feeding your child.


  1. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it
  2. Natural and all-natural are not the same thing
  3. Low-fat may only be low-fat if you stick to one serving size
  4. Organic is so important
  5. Keep their snacks simple

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